Monday, December 10, 2007

Paperback swap mania

P. and I recently joined, and we're both going a little book crazy. I have to admit I like the books I've gotten so far. I wanted to get rid of books that I've already read, or seriously doubt I will read, at least any time soon. The books we don't think anyone will request, we're packing up and taking to a local used book store or just Goodwill or Salvation Army. The only drawback is you have to agree to send books to others in order to get credits to order books, so there's been a lot of trips to the post office.

The site, I guess like most such sites, tries to be a little community. People message back and forth, you can chat if you like, and members try to give each other deals on books (I just ordered a book I wanted from a lady who was offering a free, unused journal as part of the package. When I found out it was a "Precious Moments" journal I wanted to back out, but how can one do that politely? LOL).

I ordered the first eight of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. I had read at least the first two, wasn't sure about the third, so I figured I'd start over from the beginning. These are "detective" novels where the protagonist is a Jersey girl who is a bounty hunter in Trenton. Light, fun, quick reads. Gotta love it.

But right now I'm reading "Lizard," by Banana Yoshimota, a Japanese writer that I discovered last year (books are translated into English, naturally). She's incredible. Writes very sparsely yet manages to create such a unique mood, such different characters. "Lizard" ( is a collection of six short stories, and they read quickly, so I'll likely be finished the book by the end of the day.

One thing I am using for is to read members' reviews of books and get recommendations on authors I haven't tried yet. Any such recommendations are always welcome.

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