Tuesday, December 4, 2007

binge cleaning


The condition of our co-op is much, much better today. I got up and did laundry at 7, and have been working most of the day on putting stuff away or getting ready to give it away.

I also repainted the kitchen cabinets, because we agreed that the blue was not working.



And this is a little rack I put up above the stove to hold cooking implements.
I feel much better now. I was really down and disgusted about it yesterday, and when I got up and looked at what needed to be done I was only going to sort the three bins of kitchen ware. But that didn't take that long, so I kept going.
I am exhausted, and my back hurts a little from moving bins into the bedroom. But I'm happy with my progress.


Anonymous said...

You did really WELL! Be proud of your accomplishment. The place did not get cluttered or whatever in one day, and won't get clean/fixed up in one day. As long as you commit to doing what you can when you can, it will all work out.

Now if I could just get my place under control LOL!


Girl on the QMIA... said...

I was thinking about you and the professional organizer. I know you must have a harder time because of the kids -- hard to get them to follow new organization rules. All I have to worry about is P., and i can handle him (maybe you can help sometime). Also, we don't have as much food storage to worry about as we stay pretty simple with just a few pasta items, some rice, beans, misc. cans of soup and veggies.

For the kitchen, I've finally worked out places for the recycling, soda bottles (we collect them for refunds), regular plastic bags, and large plastic bags for the soda bottles. It was tough, as the kitchen is too tiny to put in bins anywhere. I have the spice storage worked out, and the baking supplies storage, but we still need to figure out where the foil, plastic wrap, sandwich bags, etc., are going to go.

It's kind of fun, like a puzzle to work out. This week I threw out the large dishdrain and replaced it with a smaller one. We needed the counter space, and we'll just have to empty it more often.