Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday top ten 7-10-07

Ten favorite things in New York:
1. My husband (I had to put him first because he reads my blog)

2. Monster Sushi, where I met P. for the first time

3. Penguins at Central Park Zoo

4. Grand Central Station (standing on top of stairs and going back in time while I people watch)

5. Union Square Park (always full of skateboarders, people playing guitar, and protesters)

6. Empire State Building and how, when you're walking you suddenly get a glimpse of it peeking out over another building)

7. Mosaics in the subways (I'm going to post pics on blog eventually) and elsewhere, like at Grant's Tomb.

8. Belmont race track

9. Coney Island, especially the old boardwalk attractions and freak shows. Plus, original Nathan's hotdogs.

10. The attitudes.

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