Sunday, July 1, 2007

Not so lazy sunday

First Fat Orange Boy woke us up, around 6:30. He wanted to be fed. I got up, straightened up a little in the kitchen, checked e-mails, then, around 7:15, P. got up and we gathered our courage to go do laundry. We did ALL our sheets and towels, plus two regular loads, so it ended taking one big $4 machine and one $2.50 machine, plus five dryers. Total = $11.50. It was a lot of work, so we rewarded ourselves and went to Barnes and Noble (where we usually go on Sunday mornings). Then my new friend M. and I went to see "Sicko" (Excellent movie; I may write about that tomorrow) and walked around the city for a bit afterward, getting Starbucks. Later, I came home, P. cooked dinner (steak, green beans and corn-on-the-cob; delicious) and then I went to my AA meeting, Bayside Serenity. I rewarded us afterward by stopping by Baskin Robbins for two scoops of ice cream. P. likes chocolate so I got him chocolate peanut butter; I had pralines and cream. MMM. BusterBooger Face tried to eat my ice cream. I let him lick the container afterward. I have to go to bed soon.


Anonymous said...

The ice cream was good and the cats less than good.

Handsome fella especially with that Doctor Who effect going on.

Girl on the QMIA... said...

Cats are yummy!!