Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just say "no"

I'm beginning to figure out why these parties are exhausting me and leaving me drained. It's not the physical part so much, although that's part of it, of course. I can only spank so many bad boys before my shoulders and arms start to ache.

It's the emotional drain of people always coming up to me and asking me to play. Most of them bottoms; on occasion, the timid top.

Even worse, now it's SOMEONE ELSE coming up to me and playing matchmaker, because the guy who wants to play can't get out of his wallflower mode enough to ask me himself. It's pathetic. This happened to me a few times at the SCONY party on Saturday. My husband and I paid the full, regular couples price to get in. I'm not getting paid or even getting a free pass; ie, I'm not WORKING. Yes, I'm trying to get to know people and promote my "corporal consulting" business, so SOMETIMES it pays off, but I also want to have fun. And I don't have that much fun when I'm playing with people who I wouldn't have picked to play with myself.

My goal for the next few parties, the next few visits to Paddles, is to just say "no." I'll hand out my cards and they can decide what they want to do. It's flattering, but too much already. I'm only going to play with guys I want to play with. And that usually means, at the very least, men who have enough social skills to approach a woman without using a liaison. Come on, already!

P.S. I really need to get spanked soon!!! Even better, caned.

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