Sunday, January 20, 2008

Easy, relaxing Sunday

Up early, had a cup of tea, read a little of my book, fed cats, and then out to Barnes and Noble just before 9 a.m. -- our usual ritual.

Yesterday I did a ton of chores. Two loads laundry, shopping, changed cat's litter boxes, cleaned bathroom, swept kitchen floor. I wanted to make turkey soup from the remaining turkey in the fridge, so I chopped all the veggies I bought yesterday. Carrots, onions, celery, and escarole. I also had a dentist's appointment yesterday -- had to get a filling (ugh). And later, in the evening, we went to Manhattan for Ms. Margaret's SCONY party. I was called upon to play quite a bit, and since I'm trying to make as many connections as possible, I tried not to say no. The boys wore me out!

Today, after we got back from Barnes and Noble, I started the turkey simmering and then took a bath. The hardest part of making the soup was picking the meat off the bones. Veggies got tossed in, turkey meat got tossed back in, it simmered for another half hour or so.

P bought a hearty multi-grain bread from the supermarket bakery, which we buttered and toasted in the oven to have with the soup. Perfect meal, if I may be allowed to say. I don't cook from scratch THAT often, but it's so gratifying when the results are good.

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