Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Brazilian waxing horror

I went to get a Brazilian yesterday and it was simply horrible. I feel like a fool for having the vanity to desire a smooth p*ssy and butt. Well, it ain't smooth and I'm still sore on the left side from where she made me bleed!

To start off, I have only done this twice before. The waxer didn't seem to know I was scheduled for an appointment, as she was in the middle of an eyebrow threading and looked harried. I felt like an afterthought. They had a strip of new paper running down the length of the towel-covered table, but the towel itself didn't look new, there were spots or stains on it.

When we got started, she said I had waited too long in between. If it was "too long" for her to do a good job, she should have told me so and declined, or warned me of the specific problems I might be facing. But she was not a native English speaker and so was unable to really communicate. I begged her to be as gentle as possible because it was only my third time doing this. But I was petrified at her first application of wax, which covered a huge area and seemed really, really thickly applied. Last time, the waxer did it in little sections.

All she did was repeatedly comment on how long my hair supposedly was. She slapped the wax on in huge thick slabs, didn't seem to know how to make the skin tight to make it hurt less, and kept up the running commentary throughout on my hair -- I had shaved a few weeks ago so it couldn't have been THAT long. (someone is probably going to tell me I shouldn't have shaved -- guess what? when you're busy and don't have time, or a waxing doesn't fit into your regular budget, you shave).

She also insisted on repeatedly showing me the hair she had just waxed off. Did I mention she was VERY hard to communicate with? Several times she reapplied wax over areas she'd already waxed. Finally, she ripped me so hard on the left side that I bled. This was right near the end and I didn't realize I was bleeding until after she had applied baby oil all over. When I sat up I saw that I was bleeding. She said, over and over, "Is no problem. Don' worry." and "is not you." (well, I'm the one bleeding here, honey -- I don't know who else it is). I was rather shaken and said, "Could I please get some peroxide to clean that off with?" She said, "Don' worry" and picked up a little bottle of something from her shelf that was obviously not peroxide. I said, "what's that?" and instead of answering my question, she said, "is okay," poured some on a cloth, and started to apply it. just before it hit my skin I saw that it was styptic. I braced myself, and yeah, it really burned! I said again, "Could I please get some peroxide to clean that off?" she said again, "Don' worry." I said, "I would like to clean it off." "Don' worry. Sometimes this happens." (it hasn't happened to me, and from what I understand, it's NOT a normal thing or a good thing when you bleed.)

She poured more baby oil on a cloth and told me to hold it there for a few minutes. I was getting rather annoyed. She said again, "is not you." Is it YOU, then? when I looked at and touched the area I also saw that even on the parts where I wasn't bleeding, I wasn't smooth. WHY did I go through this?

I didn't get my hydrogen peroxide. Manager downstairs at front when I paid said that they do have peroxide on the premises. Why she refused to bring me some, I don't know. I didn't tip her. I was in Manhattan and had to take bus home to Queens, so it took over an hour before I could clean it myself. I hope to god I am not infected. I'm going to call manager back, who called me after I left, to talk to him about it. I am embarrassed and bracing myself for a spiel about how it was my fault somehow.


Anonymous said...

SO not your fault. Unfortunately, practically the only way to guarantee a good waxing experience is to a) pay a lot (at Bliss spa, where all the ladies speak English) and b) act like the most entitled bitch on Manhattan Island, scream at the tiniest thing, insist on seeing the bottle of peroxide before you even lie down, and tell the lady how to do er job (you want her to take small sections and minimize pain).

Please don't go bck for a while. Even if you feel funy-looking. The dermis needs to calm down. Give it at least two weeks.

Again, this is SO not your fault. I've had almost exctly the same thing happen to me. Sloppy shops like this know that most women are very shy about talking about "down there" and they take advantge of this.

I once resolved a thing like this by screaming like a steam engine when I saw the blood. The spa was full of customers but not for long. Trust me, they gave me my money back, but I can never get waxed in Maple Shade again.

Anonymous said...

i feel for you - what a horrible experience

your fault????? hell no - the fault of the salon and the waxer, who should know and do better

Girl on the QMIA... said...

thanks for the support! All is well, and I might take advantage of the free next brazilian they offered me, if I can get a different "technician," but I won't go back after that.

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