Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Horrible morning commute

Picture has nothing to do with what I'm writing. I just felt like sharing.

Morning commute was horrible, but not as bad as some people had it, thank god. It only took two-and-a-half hours for me to get from Bayside to 116th Street. Worst part was being packed tighter than I think I've ever been packed on a train, and sitting and waiting in that condition. I was thankfully up against the rail by the end seat (no, I didn't get a seat) and when the guy sitting there moved his arm, I thought he was trying to grab my butt! No, just moving. Hard to keep track of your purse and bag in those conditions, but I was able to have my purse in front of me for most of the trip, with my bag tucked away, half under a seat. I generally think it's unlikely that I'll be robbed, but I wouldn't put it past anyone who was just tempted by an easily reachable purse.

One good thing about the ride was the sense of camaraderie and "we're all in this together." On my train, the N train, I got on in Astoria and we had a bunch of stops to go through before hitting Manhattan. Yet the automatic "stop announcement system" and corresponding sign was off. When I got onto the train it was saying this was "42nd Street/Times Square." At the next stop, the robot lady voice said, "This station stop is 34th Street - Herald Square." I said, "REALLY?" and this made several people smile. We had to laugh about something...

Once at Times Square, the 1 Train north was not bad at all.

And work was not bad. It turns out even though I got there at almost 9:25, I was still one of the first people in. Not everyone made it.

I had a three hour meeting this afternoon, then i had to take bus to Queens to go open my meeting, and P was cranky because I didn't call earlier. But we seem to have forgiven each other, me for not calling, him for being cranky.

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