Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Is this wrong?

She was either deaf, or mentally challenged, or SOMETHING -- so it probably isn't RIGHT to get mad at her, but this girl on the bus tonight got on with me at 6th and 42nd, sat three rows behind me, and proceeded to talk LOUDLY and STUPIDLY the entire trip to Queens.

I'm talking about a trip of nearly an hour. I'd forgotten to recharge my i-Pod, so I was stuck with no escape route. After about 40 minutes I had to put a finger over one ear to at least cut some of the babble. She was sitting with a friend and I don't know how HE was dealing with her talking non-stop. Hence my theory that there was something she couldn't "help" about the situation.

The tone of the talking was different than the usual teenage, "I'm going to shout at my friends here now, and they are going to shout back, because I know it pisses you old people off and you are afraid do anything about it."

Okay, so I'm not allowed to get MAD because, on what little evidence I had to go by, she may not have been able to help it... but I can still complain about the massive headache she gave me.

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